Oil Collecting

In this page you will find our design and building progress of a waste oil collection unit.  This will be used to collect waste vegetable oil and transfer it into a storage container until it is processed into biodiesel.  My back up air compressor will be donated for this purpose.  It is a 26 gal. vertical type and should work very nicely!!

1. Start of this project was to remove the original plumbing of the pump unit and motor switch unit.

2.  Design and build the valve and plumbing system for two way operation.  The unit will have to pull a vacuum on the tank to collect the oil, then by changing the valving pressurize the tank to discharge the oil into a storage container.

The black air filter seen on the plumbing acts as
 a muffler only to reduce pump valve noise.

3.  Lift the unit by lowering the wheel mounts and extending the stationary feet to make clearance for the collection hose and fittings.  Then to remove the old 120VAC induction type motor and find a suitable replacement that runs on 12VDC making the unit less dependent on grid power or the use of a generator.  I suspect a golf cart starter will be a suitable replacement.  1.  rebuild or replacement parts for these units are readily available.  2.  A golf cart starter is made for continuous duty because in its natural environment it charges the battery after the cart has been started. also the DC motor will not need as much power because the pump will not produce as much of a load in this type of setup.  This system when in operation will produce about 28" Hg in vacuum and less than 30 psi of pressure, which is much less resistance than trying to maintain a tank pressure of over 120 psi.