So we decided that we would hit up some auctions this Saturday in the hopes of getting some good deals to make loot with, or possibly recruit some hardware for the upcoming bus project. I still find it strange that we were motivated enough to go adventuring outdoors on such a drab day. It was all cold, rainy, overcast, and slightly breezy. Really? Looking back on it I can't believe we were out and about either.
Scored some items, although not thoroughly tested as of yet. A washer and dryer combo which is one unit (I didn't know they made them this way either). Also an RV gas range and oven which will clean up nice. Both acquired for a steal (as long as they work). We didn't realize how much stuff we had brought home until we had to unload it all. Several boxes of misc. electrical treasures, wire, outlet boxes, some PEX plumbing, and some new Pioneer speakers. Sorry I was envisioning digging through those boxes again, it's kinda like a treasure hunt.
Near the end of the bidding on boxed lots (You know the crap you don't really want but you have to take cause it's in the same lot as the stuff you do want?) we discovered some very stylish rear lights for some unknown beauty? I was thinking the whole time "These look very similar to a transit bus, maybe 60's era? or possibly a Silverside!" (one of my favorites from the late 40's & 50's!)
Who knows, someone else bought the whole lot with them in it. We packed up our purchases and offered a fellow bidder a hand loading some heavy items into his van. Both of us famished, we decided to stop for a bite to eat. While driving down the road but half a mile from our destination we see a 50's or 60's era transit bus, and what do you think was ON the back of this bus? Hmm, got an idea? Well you can imagine our reaction; disbelief, and frustration being awestruck like that not half an hour after HOLDING THOSE SAME LIGHTS IN OUR HANDS!! It was like karma slapping us in the face, saying "Wake up and smell the bus lights!"
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